Frankly is there anyone who hasnt seen this and thought WOW?!
well...if you havent...check it out here:
The lady and the reaper tells the story of the fight over life and death...quite a Gaston like Dr and Death battle it out over an old ladies soul spinning the story over a chaotic scene of filing cabinets and staircases. The perfect battle, very very funny with excellent pacing and story beats.
The framing was superb throughout...some really interesting angles used to emphasize the drama and anticipation, especially in this starting shot which is a favourite of mine:
another great use of framing through the characters positioning here, the scythe drawing our attention to lady. The use of colour filters and lighting is awesome!
the obnoxious doctor and his nurses. This use of expressive sounds for voices are how are characters are gonna be...this guy IS macho gnome!
I love the character of Mr Death, his simplistic cubic design provides a highly expressive character for the story...a very stylistic view of the skeleton.
The stages had an interesting warped feel throghout which created interesting sets which otherwsie would have been massivly boring if built straight. The storyboarding of shots must have been very thorough in order to know exactly how the sets could be warped and still be functional for the performances to occur.
Use of silouette was also great as it introduced a lot of play with colour here as we decend into the madness of the chase scene...
oranges here showing emphasizing the energy of the scene as the story reaches its emotional peak...
and the blue as the pinicle moment happens and we return to the calm/solution...
Another favourite shot. This is a great set up for an establishing shot and a great design for Mr Death's environment.
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