to summerise whats been going on...
Got in just after 9 to return the sound drive after finding a few helpful sound effects for our animatic, i think a lot will be added when we record our voices for the characters as the silence from them is huge gap at the moment! They're right at AKA...there are no silent movie characters. If anything I imagine our guys will pretty much sound like Alec with all his strange twitchy sounds (i cant explain it if you dont know Alec)
Had a long old chat with Mr Blunt (Jared) about how things were going and discussions of the ovreall scope of the project. When i happened to mention the 23 second pan down through the trees Jared nearly screamed in my face (....almost) but did sit there and count out 23 seconds (using the word elephant to replace the word second?) to my face and then go on to tell me every other second how bored he was..........
im cutting that bloody pan :P
but yeah, cheers Jared for putting things into perspective again for me and yes...making me see sense that 23 seconds could be the most boring start in the world. This was due to having credits in this pan....but then there are credits at the end...which makes no sense what so ever. We need the end credtis to aid the story progression so yet another reason why this pan should go...its going anyway but this is just my rambling on how ridiculous the whole thing is...ahem
Had my business presentation with Gareth today which i think went quite well even if i felt a bit stumbly in places i feel i was able to talk about my subject confidently and raise a bit of awareness of the industry that the guys might not have been aware about.
The team then discussed the plans for the weekend and were meeting Monday morning at 9am to have a run through of the pitch so were all clear on who's saying what, where and when. With everyone clear on what they need to complete over the weekend I can focus on the animatic and then prepare the slides as i get images through from the guys as Ive got the majority of my parts together. I will be discussing the characters as it was my main area of focus during this term whilst Adam will talk about the environment. Matt will talk throigh the overall texture style were after and then we'll cut to our animatic. Adam brought along a few Maya models for me to have a look through which i provided feedback on and he's gonna make changes accordingly. Its interesting to see how my 2D concepts are transfering to 3D but its nice there are so many designs to pick and chose from as were finding that some elements do work from some and some dont BUT were able to take elements from all over and create brand new designs in Maya which is great. Got Mike Q to have a look at Adams exploding pot test too and recommend a few suggestions, he said if he had time he was gonna try a few tests over the weekend although I appreciate he has his own presentation to sort out too.
This weekends gonna be all about MULTITASKING! So i was hoping to and afro from the animatic to the presentation then to the editing the script and sending over so matt can add his half, back to the animatic, completing the model sheets, animatic again, more presentation....very busy!

Heres a look at the presentation without spoiling it....yep....spoils nowt!

Back at the animatic again....premier doing its usual of crashing every 2 point mili seconds. I will have final cut on my mac BY next term as theres no way were editing the final film on that bloody thing.
Met up with Matt in order to cut and paste the two halves together. Our animatic is only in 4:3 becuase Apple Premier only allows me to export my films in quicktime mode and when i chose to make a projct in widescreen it stretches it tallways.....but rest assured the final film will be in HD widescreen (super glossy gnomes).
It was a evening of flitting inbetween jobs and finishing the presentation for the pitch as I got stuff sent through from Adam and files passed over from Matt. I scanned through Matts half of the animatic which was a little slow in places and required a bit of snipping, but once this was done, the piece suddenly had this amazing beat going on. Matt provided a brill animatic which really made me laugh with all its sound effects on. Matt and I then recorded the voices for the characters...then Matt spent the rest of the evening talking on the porceilin telephone.
o dear...
Inbetween animaticing it up I used the time to finish off some concept work and budgeting stuff ready for the slides and hand in later this week.
In short...i didnt sleep and generally looked like a complete zombie by the time the morning rolled on round but hey we were ready to go (well i was....matt was still on the telephone) ahem. So it looked like it be down to myself and Adam to convince the troops....into battle.