time to review the list...(areas in bold are ones we need to address)
- a final script - draft is in place, final tweaks will be added over the course of thumbnailing
- developed storyboards - thumbnailing in process
- working animatic with sound and some colour - not yet
- rough and finalised concept art - rough character concepts done, final colourings to be done. Prop designs complete in rough, colourings to be done, Matt working on Maya texture example for 2nd pitch. Environment main focus not enough rough designs completed yet.
- model sheets - views designed for each character, Lady Gnome complete but not coloured.
- character designs - complete!
- environmental designs - adam you did not meet the deadline so Mu Li has taken over with this role as you've put the production in trouble.
- mood boards - collation of images continually updated, deadline Thursday 5th.
- colour script
- plan/budget/schedule for production - base schedule given to Dave to order into dates, sources, budget it etc. Gonna check up on this Thursday and see how he's doing, review etc.
...soooo it feels like we've done a lot of work but there's still so much more to do (all in the bold). These last few weeks are crucial to organise in order to make the best of the time we have left. I've asked Dave to come on board and finish off the schedule/budget for production which i will go over with him and update over the course of the week.
As Adam did not meet his deadline, the environment work is way behind schedule. The characters are sorted and set yet the environment is lagging behind. The work is now been given to Mu who is planning the layout of the environment. We gave him a copy of the script to which he had a few questions about the staging of the story. He roughed out a basic overvew complete with two main focus areas where the action is to occur and he'll develop this further for our feedback. Thanks Mu for jumping on board, its much appreciated! :)
Our story thumbnails were put up today, Matt had to finish the section Adam was designated whilst I went through the schedule with Dave. We grabbed Dalli and went through the story and our concern that something was lacking. He agreed and said he thought Lady's character was lacking and needed a stronger role in the story. He suggested we look back at One Man Band by Pixar and try out every possibility in order to eliminate this problem. Dalli is a ledge as he spends a lot of time with you going through possibilities, problems and what's good story telling and Im very grateful for all his help. Me and Matt agreed to go away and thumbnail some more, were concentrating solely on story now as we have enough rough concept to answer the brief.
thumbnails up - tlk with dalli about story
I've given Matt the new model of the watering can and my feedback for where id like him to take the texturing, hopefully this will send us in the right direction. Its getting there, Im sure a couple more tests and we'll have a top example of how we want the texturing to look. I told Matt to look at the door hatches/scratches on the print screen of Carl Fredrickson's door from Up i posted on the site and try and incorporate this in the textures layers. Overall Im pleased with how the visuals are looking.
In the mean time i need to get back to planning my group Disney presentation, my film analysis essay and my animation business essay and presentation....so plenty to do :P
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