Saturday, 1 May 2010

Shot 19

On a break from shot 18....started this this afternoon....

This shot sees Macho lifting the garden fork. Its should display a challenge for him but not be a complete hinderance unlike the flower pot he lifts later on. Since my weight lifting skills involve lifting mars reference for this shot has come from footage like this...

Initial playblast demonstrating blocking of key poses...might shift that end position forward a bit. Dont worry about the second arm, im working on the one first then matching the second as its a nightmare with parenting the object to just one wrist control.

starting to spline it...that scary moment when thingy freak out and more keys needed

Progress....check out that cheeky grin at the end....o yeah :)

its not finished...not by a long shot but hey thoughts


  1. facial stuff had been knocked outta sync with the body movement

  2. Right, im really liking the movement here and you've got some really strong poses happening.

    For me he's making it look a little too easy, i would have him bounce slightly before he does the lift, so start the scene with his body slightly low, straighten out immediately before the lift then down for the lift. (i hope you get what i mean, im trying to find some reference for what i mean but so far unsuccessful).

    Also he needs some bend in his arms between 1sec and 3 sec, his body movement says he struggling slightly but his arms are dead straight. And then snap back straight as he straightens out.

    Playing it again you might want to add some side to side using the upper body (arrow) control when he does his side to side on 4sec, it looks like its slightly lacking some secondary.

    Really nice work here Sarah, think it just needs those few things added and then the graph editor cleaned up a bit, other than that its nearly there.

  3. Yeah i had the bounce in there initially but its impossible to fit all of this in the time we've allocated for this shot as its only 5 secs. Im also having trouble with the parenting of the fork to u key it on and off cos otherwise i cant go back and forth with this which would be easier as posing him up and down is difficult as the arms end up moving the fork backwards and forwards.

    sorted out the secondary, thats a done deal now on the little steps...i realised shortly after posting that was a missing element.

    i shall give the bend in the arms a try but im not so sure how this will work out...when i watch that vid ref his arms literally stay the same the whole way machos massive head...i'll give it a go though.

    mate u dont even wanna see this graph editor! getting the second arm to match the first IS a complete nightmare!

  4. Well, when i was animating Macho lifing the flowerpot i spent ages fuckin about trying to get the left arm to match the right.
    The way i got round to doing it was to take my animation and then delete all the key frames on the X and Y rotate axis on his upper and lower arms, so he could only literally move them using the Z axis.
    The reason its so hard to match is the tiny movements that put the object out of place, by getting rid of 2 of the 3 dimensions I A: got rid of alot of the errors and B: allowed me to know where the errors actually were.
    Save the file and see if it helps.

  5. well i have it sorted, it matches up pretty well all be it the graph editor is laughable. my main prob is unparenting the object from his wrist control so i can move the arms seperate without having to sort out matching everything up...there a way of keyframing the parenting? i dunno..this is tired ramblings now


    Give this a try.

  7. for me the re-adjustment doesn't look quite right... the weight is now above him - he seems to be very easily moving the weight which is above him when he moves his feet - doesn't quite look convincing that the weight is above him.

    That and the object jumps around his hand - I have the same problem with one of my shots where I've parented to one hand and then attempted to match the object to the other.

  8. criticism saaaaaaaannnddwich
