Friday, 30 April 2010

Animation Webpage: more tests

ok...smurfed up Yaniv, whitened up the backgrounds...comparison to the rest of you lovely lot. comments pllllleeeease


  1. looks like saturation down? they look a bit crisp possibly.

  2. they are desaturated...all the other ones are to a certain extent so i havent touched them.
    u mean my ones r too desaturated?
    and crisp...yes...i see that too but thats cos im working with dragged images from the website which have been severaly compressed so im a little reluctant to knock down the focus on em but can if u want

  3. I think Jak looks good to go. the only thing slightly different is me and nate - i'd make the blacks a bit more blue and i think that should do it (though to be honest, I don't think anyone would actually pay that much attention to notice the difference, so personally i'd say don't bother ;) )
