Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Rig: Double Transformations

gah! egad and zooks!
So i went to import the completed rig so i could modify to fit the Lady Gnome model and guess what? Annoyingly so the spine seems to be going ahead of the legs: double transformations. I thought this only occured after creating the master control but there you go. I followed step by step instructions about turning off inherit transformations with no success.

addition of a master control:

Double transformations still occurring. This occurs because the IK Spline receives influence from both cluster deformers and the IK Spline.
Select the spine curve and turn off inherits transform. This should remove one of its influences so the rig follows as one...however mine seems to have collapsed?!

I unchecked the inherits transform from both the spine shoulder control and the hip control to see what difference this made. The rig did then follow all together but it led to the controls and clusters being left behind..but still able to control the rig as you can see below.

Email the Hulse...

Alex took a look at the scene and the rigs setup to which there were no issues, and after a few removals of inherit transform, he decided the best way was to remove the spine curve from the group as this was the factor causing double influence. Once this had been removed, it was simple enough to turn off the inherit transform check box on the IK Spline and then add all controls to the master control..Perfecto, all done dusted and in working order. Now to finally adjust the rig accordingly for Lady Gnome and were off...to the next stage

Removing the Spine curve from its group removed the influence over the rig

so that once the master control was created and all controls parented too, hey presto, no more double transformations. So annoying how these things are down to order of parenting/adding etc but hey ho.

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