Sunday, 25 April 2010

nightmare on elmo street.


-been sorting out individual web page images and descriptions for the degree show website as well as the groups web page images. These aren't finalized but its better than having nothing for now just so people can see what were up to.

- roman sent through a new soundtrack which was was only the starting piece but i really think hes taken my feedback in and is getting to grips with what the projects about.

- Yanivs UV mapped Hero Gnome was wrong - face separate from body which meant i couldn't add a texture to one without it affecting the other. Ive begun painting the textures in order to get a better idea of colours. Although i have the character colour concepts at hand, its amazing how in 3D they look almost too washed out by following the concept colours exactly. There's something about volumes etc which means you have to tweak the saturations a little bit. These characters have a range of splashes etc on them too so its all about balancing them to look painted without being an art attack accident.

Sorted out Clyms facial control panel was scaled and parented to the master control so it would follow the model for the animator to animate with eeeeease.

Lady Gnomes facial control panel was hooked up to the blend shapes and parented to the master control so the animator can animate with ease.

Both these characters were then scaled appropriately so each animator is all working to the same scale so there's no probs when importing the characters into the scene for final rendering with the environment.

started animating with characters...hero Gnome does not work on my machine in smooth preview i cant play back stuff and not in smooth preview means i cant do any facial expression animation.

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