Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Rigging: Macho Gnome

The plan is to have a test rig complete and weighted by Friday so we can let loose some first and second years to try out some walk cycle tests/generally bullet proof test the rig for us. As Machos the furtherest along we decided to rig him. I haven't rigged since last Summer sometime so man was I rusty but got there eventually.

Matt sent through the skeleton layout for Macho Gnome. Unfortunalty the bones werent in the best positions and some of the orientations incorrect, so it was easier to start again (sorry Matt)
Whilst rigging I had to alter the rotation on the models legs in order for them to point directly forward so that IK handles would work properly. Thankfully not a problem since all our models elements such as arms and legs are separate components from the rest of the model.

The rig has reverse foot setup, foot attributes including heel roll, heel pivot, heel lean, ball roll and toe curl. Set driven keys in the fingers, IK legs, FK arms and a IK Spline in the spine.

ankle IK testing...pole vector contraint assigned and parented to the foot control.
testing out the spines advanced twist options...
final look at the rig...I'm sure we'll have some additions and changes to make (i've already realized the head control is unnecessary apart from being able to parent the eyes and teeth to in order to follow the rig. A master control is needed to but I'm gonna find Dave on this one cos man does it like to play up a good'un when I'm trying to do it. over to matt for the painting luck

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